Thank you for making HEXONET domain backordering a huge success. In just under a year, our service has grown tremendously both in terms of users and service features. HEXONET backordering today offers over thirteen (13) TLDs, some rarely available anywhere else, with more on the way.
Most importantly, we have now found an excellent solution for the "public auction" concerns noted by some of our customers. Secure and equitable PRIVATE AUCTIONS are now available for our customers.
Until recently, backordered domains with multiple backorders went to Godaddy auctions to fairly allocate backorders under contention. Though we talked to many auction providers about PRIVATE AUCTIONS - auctions ONLY available to original backordering clients - we could not find a suitable partner to meet our needs. As a result, over the course of the past year, HEXONET has been developing our own auction platform. And as of Saturday May 7, 2011, HEXONET launched PRIVATE AUCTIONS through our new auction service
- Fully integrated and automated with HEXONET's backordering service
- Safe and secure bidding ONLY among original backordering customers of a domain
- Domain allocation in your HEXONET account is automatic after payment has been confirmed
- User driven features - you ask, we implement - new features already scheduled for release!
Again thank you for your patronage of HEXONET's backordering service. As you see, we are working on building better services and features for our customers all the time. Please watch for more updates to our backordering service, as well as, more enhancements to this year. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. For more information on go to the website.